It’s strange the things that set me off. The things that set off the struggle between my light side and my dark side. Rudeness. Littering. Being unkind. Entitled attitude. Laziness. Parents who swear at their young children. But today what set me off was the mother of a middle school student who goes to school across…

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There’s a book written for parents called “How to Talk So Kids Will Listen…And Listen So Kids Will Talk” by Adele Faber. I read it a long time ago when my daughter was in middle school. The book gave me some ideas of ways to communicate with a pre-teen and teen girl that I hadn’t…

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Recently, I read an article about wellness and how most of us know what we’re supposed to do to be healthier. We know we should eat less junk food, cook more of our own food, exercise daily, and not smoke. And  while most of us ‘dabble’ with good healthy lifestyle habits, we don’t commit to…

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Like most women I know, I’ve struggled with what I thought was my perfect weight nearly my entire adult life. When I hit my teens, I went from a skinny, gangly, active kid to a chubby, inactive teen girl really quickly. I remember the boys in my marching band making bets on my bust size…

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